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The Best Home Beauty Devices of 2023

Youth and health of the skin is a feeling of confidence, despite the circumstances and years. For every woman, this is an important moment, so home beauty devices are gaining the same popularity as the usual skin care products.

Why beauty devices at home?

It would seem that the development of the beauty industry and the emergence of new cosmetologists should completely “close” the needs of girls in terms of face and body care. It is enough to find a good master and trust his professionalism.
But often not everything is so simple.
A home cosmetology device is an opportunity:

  • Provide additional intensive skin care at a convenient time for yourself;
  • Independently regulate the frequency and intensity of procedures;
  • Combine hardware care with your usual cosmetic products (creams, masks, scrubs, etc., while most cosmetologists work only with certain brands that are convenient for them);
  • Do not depend on the schedule of a specialist, your own financial and temporary capabilities.

In other words, a home cosmetology device is necessary for girls and women who, due to employment and other reasons, cannot regularly visit a cosmetologist, but want to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of their skin.

The best home beauty devices of 2023: how to choose?

Before you make a dream purchase and get a “personal electronic beautician”, you need to consider:

  • Manufacturer's warranty. It is important that the device is not only of high quality in terms of performance and service life, but also safe to use.
  • Device generation. Progress does not stand still, so the newer the device is, the more “beautiful” opportunities it can give to the face and body.
  • Implementation conditions. The same device can be bought with a big difference in price, depending on who sells it - a direct supplier or an intermediary. For example, the LR Zeitgard Pro cosmetic device can be ordered directly from our online store, saving money and receiving a 100% quality guarantee directly from the manufacturer.

LR: The Best Beauty Devices for Home

LR Zeitgard Pro is a unique patented 4-in-1 device. Thanks to this, at home you can achieve: 

  1. Thorough cleaning of the face.
    A special nozzle gently, gently, but very efficiently cleans pores and dead cells, rejuvenates and refreshes the skin.
  2. The effect of cavitation peeling.
    Innovative ultrasonic technology will get rid of dead skin particles, sebum, hair follicles - for a noticeable rejuvenation.
  3. Anti-aging prevention.
    A special nozzle and the action of ultrasound accelerate cellular metabolism, stimulate the production of collagen, provide deeper skin nutrition with active components of care products.
  4. Rejuvenation and healing of the skin of the entire surface of the body.
    Ultrasound technology helps to liquefy fat in cells, provide a therapeutic and relaxing massage and body skin care at any age and condition.

Zeitgard Pro from LR brand is the most necessary and best home beauty devices combined into one compact center. With its help, you can pamper yourself with salon-level procedures at a convenient time and in the place where you yourself want.

In combination with LR professional cosmetics, such care will give not only pleasant sensations, but also health, youth and beauty of the skin - regardless of age and other circumstances!


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