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How to choose the right perfume

The individuality of a person is not only character traits, appearance, gestures, manner of dressing, but also aroma. After all, it's no secret that even the same perfume smells differently, depending on who uses it. And if a T-shirt or any accessories can be easily changed, depending on the circumstances, then you can’t just get rid of the aroma of good perfumes. That is why the choice of perfume for you should be meaningful and carefully considered. It can become a part of your individuality, a kind of calling card, which, like an aura, frames and accompanies the physical body everywhere. It is able to leave a lasting impression and even influence how others perceive you.

How to choose perfume: 5 simple rules

Since choosing the perfect perfume the first time is not an easy task, you will have to smell, study and experiment. To simplify this process a little and save time and money, try to follow a few rules:

  • Choose perfume according to your personality. The choice of perfume is largely influenced by the style and preferences of a person. More restrained personalities are best suited for classic fragrances. But experimenters will like the original combinations that you can easily find on LR perfumes.
  • Explore flavors. To answer the question: “How to choose the right perfume?” Knowledge of the main families of fragrances will help.
  • Heed the recommendations. This does not mean that you need to buy a perfume that your girlfriend liked or blindly believe in advertising or fashion trends. Trust a professional who will help you choose the most comfortable option for you.
  • Consider the place of work. In this case, the choice of a suitable perfume depends on its intensity. Few people will be happy to work in an office where the entire space is filled with an “aggressive” aroma.
  • Take into account the time of year. The choice of a new perfume depends on the temperature conditions outside the window. In summer, it is better to use light and fresh scents. But in winter, you can choose a more intense perfume.

Some fragrances can evoke certain emotions and associations. Choose one that is not annoying, but uplifting, inspires confidence and brings joy.

How to choose perfume for yourself according to the nature of aromas

In modern man, the sense of smell does not work as well as we think. Few people manage to accurately name the basic aromas of perfumes by smell. Therefore, you should focus on your feelings. All fragrances of perfume can be conditionally divided into:

  • fresh;
  • citrus and fruit;
  • floral;
  • woody;
  • sweet;
  • oriental.

Do not forget that when it comes into contact with the skin, a special biochemistry occurs. And each person smells differently. Perfume longevity and sillage may also depend on individual characteristics.

How to choose the best perfume by notes

The aroma of perfume is a composition of different smells that combine and complement each other. Allocate:

  • The top notes are the first impression. They gradually dissolve, allowing the aroma to unfold.
  • Middle notes (heart notes) - most often consist of aromas of flowers, woods, berries, fruits or spices. Feel 20-25 minutes after application. Evaporate after a few hours.
  • Base notes - they are the ones that settle on clothes, hair and skin for a long time, and also form the final loop.

Gather a collection of light, sexy, sweet or floral fragrances. Use them according to your mood or circumstances. Or choose your signature perfume, which will be relevant at any time of the year.

How to choose perfume for men

There is an opinion that a man likes any perfume chosen by his soulmate. This is a huge misconception. Therefore, if you want to choose not only the right perfume for a man, but also please him, consider his preferences, image and lifestyle. Only in this way can you give him a fragrance that will not only be associated with you, but will emphasize his individuality. And the choice at LR perfumes for him is quite extensive.

How to choose the right perfume for women

You can simply ask to show your favorite fragrance on LR perfumes for her. If you want to make a surprise, then you will have to work as a detective: find out your preferences, get acquainted with the available fragrances, study the guide for choosing a perfume, and only after that choose the most suitable option.

Remember, the aroma of perfume can not only complement the image and individual style, but also evoke memories, influence emotions. The choice of a perfume fragrance for another person is a manifestation of attention and care. This is how a small bottle conceals a lot of possibilities, gives confidence and makes the day brighter.


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