Within 72 hours your order is shipped. We’ll send information to the email you gave us as soon as your order goes out.
We’ll send tracking information to the email you gave us as soon as your order goes out.
We will process your order immediately after you click the SUBMIT ORDER button and your payment is complete. Because our system processes orders immediately, we are unable to change or cancel an order once it is submitted.
All pricing on LuxuryHealthbeauty.com is shown in Euros (EUR). due to our European origin. Please note, the final checkout price is also reflected in Euros (EUR).
Yes, we offer free standard shipping for all orders over €120
All the products on Luxuryhealthbeauty.com have guaranteed authenticity. All our products are exclusively made in Germany and are of the highest quality standard. (verified under strickt control by SGS INSTITUS FRESENIUS, International Aloe Science Council, Dermatest, some are unique patent holders)
We hope you will be happy wth your purchase from us. If not, you have the right to return the product to us and receive a full refund. Purchases made on our website may be returned up to 30 days after confirmed delivery in an original undamaged cover for a refund in the original form of payment. Sorry, we cannot refund the cost of shipping. Kindly read your Refund Policy in Terms and Conditions secton. Please contact luxuryhealth.beauty@gmail.com to initiate a return.
As only the recipient of the package, you can make an inquiry with the local customs authorities, for any details regarding the process and its due date, we kindly ask you to contact them directly using the tracking reference number provided in your confirmation email. The customer is responsible for local custom procedures if any.
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Please contact us on luxuryhealth.beauty@gmail.com