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Healthy and relaxing sleep. Is it possible?

We often lie awake in bed in the evening because thoughts are running through our heads and we often wake up.  The next morning we are all broken. Sounds familiar?

Good sleep improves the quality of our life. It ensures mental well-being, better concentration, performance and physical health. It also helps your immune system because at night it is the best time for your immune system to regenerate and concentrate on its essential tasks. A restful sleep simply does „miracles“. It is stimulant, power source, memory booster and depression protection at the same time. In a nutshell: sleep is essential for us!


Have you heard of a happy hormone serotonin?

Why exactly serotonin? Melatonin is the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle of the human body. However, melatonin is produced from the happiness hormone serotonin. A precursor of serotonin is the amino acid tryptophan. A healthy diet supports the tryptophan metabolism.


Night shift for your body.

Sleep is the time when you come to rest. For your body, however, it means: Start working! At night, vital repairing and regeneration processes are stimulated in the body, which strenghten your immune system and increase your performance. However, the greatest achievement of sleep is: it makes you happy! Only when you are rested you feel more balanced in your daily life, less stressed and more creative!


Did you know about 90 minute sleep cycle?

  • Sleep onset 1-5%

    Body and soul relax

  • Light sleep 45-55%

    Heart rate and breathing slow down. This phase makes up about half of our sleeping time

  • Moderate sleep 4-6%

    Short transition phase from light to deep sleep

  • Deep sleep 12-15%

    The most relaxing and therefore most essential phase of sleep for your physical and mental health.

  • Rem sleep 20-25%

    This dreaming phase of sleep is characterised by a rapid movement of the closed eyes.


Interesting fact...

Did you know that saffron is the number 1 ingredient for a healthy sleep? Indeed, saffron helps you fall asleep faster, improves sleeping quality and recovery at night. Saffron contains antioxidants. Responsible for this are the secondary plant substances in saffron such as carotenoids. They are called crocin and crocetin and are responsible for the yellow colour of saffron.


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